I need to have a single "stacked line graph" with (at least) 2 interfaces from different elements in a dashboard.
I'm using the new Dashboard app (trying out the new "stacked line graph" feature)
Since the interfaces don't have the same index, I'm having some trouble to do this.
Any advice on what is the best way to do this in the new Dashboard app?
Thank you.
Best regards
Bruno Sousa
Hi Bruno,
This should work as long as the indices are exclusive for each table, meaning that index 'A' from table1 should not appear in Table2 and Index 'B' from table2 should not appear in table1. In this is not the case you'll end up with the combination.
Let's say you have two parameters as data: parameter1 & parameter2
And you have two indices 'A' and 'B'.
Then the application will make all the possible combinations and show the ones that have data.
Are your indices exclusive?

It seems they’re not exclusive..
But there is any way to do them exclusive? Aren’t they the SNMP interface table index?
Since the interfaces indexes are not exclusive, how can I:
1. Put only the one’s I want in the line graph? (maybe with some kind of filtering? I don’t mind to do this somehow “manually” at this stage)
2. Is this possible to change the index number somehow..?
Thank you.
Best regards
Bruno Sousa
Just to further clarify what I need:
I have element “X” and element “Y”.
Element “X” interfaces are “Egress1 (14)” and “bond (15)”
Element “Y” interfaces are “Egress1(15) and bond(16)
How can I have a stacked line graph for interfaces Egress1(14) and Egress1(15) only?
Thank you.

Do you mean that ’15’ is the index you can see in the dashboards app? And that ‘Egress1’ is the display index in the table?
So basically, if you ad index 14 & 15 and you ended up with a trend for
Element X / Egress1
Element X / Bond
Element Y / Egress 1
and you want to get rid of ‘Element X / Bond’?
I want to get rid of “Element X / Bond” (as an example)
Thank you.
Best regards
Bruno Sousa
Hi Bruno,
Next to the above, make sure to update the “Group By” setting to “All together” on the setting page of the line chart.