Hi, with reference to the 'Best Practice Analyser' documentation that is available via; https://community.dataminer.services/documentation/cassandra-db-size/
- At DAZN, we have previously experienced issues with the Cassandra compaction process using all available DMA RAM, and as a result affecting the overall stability of a DMS. Are we reading the BPA test documentation correctly in that this particular BPA test checks available hard drive space rather than available RAM?
- The documentation mentions the 'Cassandra DB size' BPA running hourly, Are we correct in understanding that running BPA tests automatically (on a schedule) is a future feature?
- Generally, is it possible to abort a BPA test once started?
Marieke Goethals [SLC] [DevOps Catalyst] Selected answer as best 12th July 2023
Hi Paul,
- Some of the checks are disk-size based. Others are RAM based (e.g. a "warning" result will be generated when "Largest SSTable for a table > 1/3 of the total installed RAM"
- The schedule can indeed not be configured through the UI yet. The BPA tests do automatically run according to their default schedule though. A future version of Cube will allow updating (or disabling) the schedule. For now, the only way to update the schedule is to run c:\Skyline DataMiner\Tools\StandAloneBpaExecutor\StandAloneBpaExecutor.exe directly on the DMA
- BPA tests cannot be aborted while running. They are intended to be short-running and having little impact. Is is possible to disable their schedule though (via StandAloneBpaExecutor -- setting to 0).
Marieke Goethals [SLC] [DevOps Catalyst] Selected answer as best 12th July 2023