Hi Dojo,
I have a low-code app, where I use a bar graph to visualize my data.
However, I'd like to sort the data in my graph based on the label.
Is this possible?
Ive Herreman [SLC] [DevOps Enabler] Selected answer as best 30th January 2023
Hi Ive,
The bar chart is displaying bars based on the order of the data. Sorting your values in the query will thus reorder your bars in the chart.
Sorting your data in GQI can be done by using the 'Sort' operator:
Ian Harvey [SLC] [DevOps Member] Posted new comment 30th January 2023

Hi Sebastiaan, many thanks for this insight. Good to know we have a solution for this today.
I have added a feature request for ease of use and enhancing the DataMiner UI/UX experience.
For anyone interested in this feature. Please vote