When taking backup on our Dataminer 10.3 CU10 staging DMA the filename seems to always include “Custom” regardless of backup type.
For instance both “Full Backup” and “Full Backup without database” creates a file named DataMinerBackup_10.3.0.10_Custom_DT-2024-01-12T08_13_02.3994532Z.dmbackup.
What I had expected was something like this which we saw in earlier version of DM.
FullBackup-20230314.dmbackup or FullBackupwithoutDatabase-20231101.dmbackup
I've learned that the backup file name convention has changed a bit in later versions, but does that also include that Custom is always a part of the filename regardless of type of backup?
Hi Mykyta. The response I got from the support team is basically that it works as expected, that regardless of backup type - it will always have "custom" in the file name and not like before where a full backup without database would create a file with "FullBackupwithoutDatabase" in the filename.
I think it would be good if we could have a confirmation from the developers on this issue. To me, it looks like a bug.The support team was able to reproduce the issue on their system.
Hi Roger,
I also do think this is an actual bug, thank you very much for noticing this and letting us know!
I already talked with the team and we will be investigating the issue.