I've an AWS Cloudwatch element where I enabled the polling for some AWS services.
The driver created DVEs for those services but the parameters inside the DVEs remain in state 'Not Inialized' even if I try to force the polling via the available button.
Does the metrics displayed in the driver need to be enable on the AWS side ?
-On the General page of the DVE, what does the Entry Status parameter indicate?
-What is the setting of the Polling Interval?
-On the CPU Metrics page, sub page "Config Poll...", are all parameters enabled?
-If you look at the CPU parameters during 5 minutes, do you ever see it having a value during a short moment or does it constant stay at not initialized?
-What is the driver version and what is the DataMiner version that it's running on?

What could be further verified is opening the Stream Viewer of the main AWS element (not the DVE), and look at Group 2. Leave it open for 6 minutes.
In this time you should see several ResponseGetMetricDataContent () being mentioned and one should contain something like “Label”:”AWS/EC2 i-03c82ca457a651895 CPUUtilization” and a bit further the Timestamps and Values. Note that the i-03c82… mentioned here will have to be replaced with the one of the device that you’re interested in.
There are three options then:
-Either the Timestamps and Values are filled in: would need further investigation why that’s not being filled in then in a parameter
-Either the Timestamps and Values are empty i.e. “Timestamps”:[], “Values”:[]}, that means that we’re querying the AWS, but it returns that there are no values present, so not a driver issue
-Either the searched value does not appear in the stream viewer, that would mean that the driver is not requesting the value (which would be strange) or the AWS is not responding to our request, anyway that would have to be investigated more in detail, your squad could further assist with that to add logging to the driver for a specific instance to see what is being sent out when and what is entering back

For completeness if anyone would have the same problem: The AWS Cloudwatch needed to have SSL/TLS enabled for the communication in this case. This can be configured via the element wizard and needs DataMiner version 10.0.3
Hi Laurens,
– Entry Status = OK
– Polling 5 Min
– All polling enabled
– Constant stay not initialized
– DataMiner ( driver