Copy the example code to the dot from documentation (also below) for SubScriptOptions:SelectMemory(String, ScriptMemory) and then run it raises Script Execution Failure.
How to get this method to work please? Observed in DataMiner 10.1
Script Failure (myParentScript): (Code: 0x80131500) Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Exceptions.DataMinerException: Run Subscript 'myParentScript' Failed: 0x80004005
at CManagedAutomation.RunWrapped(CManagedAutomation* , Int32 iCookie, IUnknown* pIAutomation, tagVARIANT* varParameters, tagVARIANT* pvarReturn, String scriptName)
at CManagedAutomation.Run(CManagedAutomation* , Int32 iCookie, Char* bstrScriptName, IUnknown* pIAutomation, tagVARIANT* varParameters, tagVARIANT* varEntryPoint, tagVARIANT* pvarReturn) (CSharp; 0x80131500h): (see comment for more details)
Script Failure (mySubScript): (Code: 0x80131500) Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Exceptions.DataMinerException: Get Memory Position 'subscriptMemory':1 Failed: 0x80004005
at CManagedAutomation.RunWrapped(CManagedAutomation* , Int32 iCookie, IUnknown* pIAutomation, tagVARIANT* varParameters, tagVARIANT* pvarReturn, String scriptName)
at CManagedAutomation.Run(CManagedAutomation* , Int32 iCookie, Char* bstrScriptName, IUnknown* pIAutomation, tagVARIANT* varParameters, tagVARIANT* varEntryPoint, tagVARIANT* pvarReturn) (CSharp; 0x80131500h): (see comment for more details)
Class SubScriptOptions | DataMiner Docs
Class SubScriptOptions
SelectMemory(String, ScriptMemory)
Selects a script memory from the main script to be used as the script memory in the subscript.
Main script:
<code class="hljs stata"><span class="hljs-keyword">var</span> <span class="hljs-keyword">memory</span> = engine.GetMemory(<span class="hljs-string">"parentMemory"</span>); <span class="hljs-comment">// The parent script has a script memory with name "parentMemory".</span> <span class="hljs-keyword">memory</span>.<span class="hljs-keyword">Set</span>(1, <span class="hljs-string">"MyValue"</span>); <span class="hljs-comment">// The first entry of this memory is set to the value "MyValue".</span></code>
var subscript = engine.PrepareSubScript("MySubscript");
<code class="hljs stata"> </code>
<span class="hljs-selector-tag">subscript</span><span class="hljs-selector-class">.SelectMemory</span>(<span class="hljs-string">"subscriptMemory"</span>, memory); <span class="hljs-comment">// The subscript has a script memory with name "subscriptMemory" and this memory will be linked to the parent memory.</span>
<span class="hljs-selector-tag">subscript</span><span class="hljs-selector-class">.StartScript</span>();
<code class="hljs stata"><span class="hljs-keyword">var</span> <span class="hljs-keyword">memory</span> = engine.GetMemory(<span class="hljs-string">"subscriptMemory"</span>); engine.GenerateInformation(Convert.<span class="hljs-keyword">ToString</span>(<span class="hljs-keyword">memory</span>.<span class="hljs-built_in">Get</span>(1))); <span class="hljs-comment">// This will generate an information event with value: "MyValue".</span></code>
We did some internal testing and could indeed see there's an issue with this memory files in subscripts. A task was created to get this resolved.
As soon as this is resolved, an update will also be posted here.
Kind regards,
Hi, That 'SubScriptOptions.SelectMemory(String, ScriptMemory)' method is unfortunately only compatible with persistent memory files. The underlying logic just calls the 'SubScriptOptions.SelectMemory(String, String)' method where the 'LinkedFile' property of the given 'ScriptMemory' is used for the second argument. I have updated the documentation to reflect this.
Thank you Thomas.
I got a similar exception and was only able to get it to work when selecting "Persistent" for the memory. In that case, it also stores the value to a file. More info available here.
What do you want to use memory for exactly? In case you are using C# in your scripts, then you can probably do what you want to achieve without using script memory.
I want to get a zero-user-prompt Parent script to pass values to a Subscript on-the-fly. Volatile memory sounds like a way to achieve this?
I will run more than one instances of the script-pair at the same time, so Persistent memory will not work. I’m hoping volatile memory will work?
Additionally, I manage to get a zero-user-prompt Parent script to launch a subscript to read some [fairly static, operator-changeable] values from Persistent memory. And then I tried but failed to launch a Sub-subscript [2nd level] with SelectMemory(myPersistentScriptMemoryObject) when the Sub-subscript is expecting volatile memory. You may say this is expected behaviour but according to documentation for ScriptMemory [], persistent and volatile memories are of the same class; only difference is the LinkedFile property which is an empty string for volatile memory. So I expect SubScriptOptions.SelectMemory(String, ScriptMemory) to take the supplied ScriptMemory object, regardless if it’s persistent or volatile.

If you need to pass input from a parent script to a subscript, then you could use parameters instead. Either you create multiple parameters if you need to pass more than just 1 value, or you can use a serialized string (json for example) that you deserialize in your subscript that contains all info you need.
Thanks Joey. Yes, script parameters definitely have their purpose and use cases and I do use them but can I here?
Here, I have human operators, who don’t need to know the auto-triggered, non-interactive, zero-prompts scripts but need to change some fairly static input values to the scripts, e.g. cost of a banana. I think the ‘Memory Files’ definition screen provides a good interface for the human operator.
task created: