We have noticed that performing actions on elements (i.e. setting parameter value) via the automation scripts takes considerably longer time than usual, especially the automation scripts for controlling our satellite uplinks. (usually it took 10 seconds to complete script commands and now it could take over a minute).
Is it possible that the DMA which the automation scripts are run on is approaching its limits (almost 1000 elements) and hence the latency during setting parameters? The way I understand it is when an automation script wants to set a parameter on an element a separate thread is created by that element which is then added to the execution queue of the SLProtocol and the script waits until the set parameter thread is executed.
I remember reading somewhere in the documentation that the automation scripts are run on the agent on which the script was created (or uploaded to) and regardless of which agent the client executing the script is connected to. Is this correct?
Does the parameter set on the element also cause a set on the device?
With "CheckSets" enabled, the script will wait until the read parameter has the same value.
This is to validate the set, but this can cause a delay if the satellite uplink takes long to respond.

Check read value after set has been disabled.