Hi Dojo,
I'm testing the new Apache Cassandra Cluster Monitor connector and noticed below exception in the element log file:
2022/01/11 12:49:31.841|SLManagedScripting.exe|ManagedInterop|ERR|0|5|QA3|2|Run|Exception thrown: System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'System.Guid Cassandra.Host.get_HostId()'. at QAction.ParseCassandraNodes(CassandraDb cassandra) at QAction.Run(SLProtocolExt protocol)
The protocol solution has no builds issues and all necessary DLLs are added in the ProtocolScripts folder.
Does someone has an idea why this fails?
This exception is typically the result of code being executed using assemblies that differ from the assemblies they were compiled against. We often see this when an automation script is unchanged but a DLL reference of the script is updated (and some method signatures are different), without a DMA restart. I suspect something similar has happened with your QAction. I would check if the version of the assembly containing the Cassandra type is still correct.