I have a property "numbers" which contains values seperated with a pipe symbol:
[property:numbers] = 234|214|34|4Is there a way to express that I want to split this string with the seperator | and only use the 1. 2. 3. or 4. part in a visio?

I found a regex...
...but it's quiet a challange to select the nth occurance for each field now.
[RegexMatch:([^|;]+),[property:numbers]] Isn''t working.Do you have any example?

Hi Dominik, this should be possible using the "index" option.
The resulting command will be something like Regexmatch:([^|;]+),[property:numbers],index=0 to select the first number of the list.
Hi Michiel, I managed to get a result, if I enter the numbers directly, but it doesn't accept the nested [property:numbers]. Maybe because it does not expect a srting. The search terms seems to be programmed without quotes at least.
Hi Dominik, this should be possible using the "index" option.
The resulting command will be something like Regexmatch(([^|;]+),[property:numbers],index=0) to select the first number of the list.