Hi Dojo,
I've been trying to use
protocol.FillArray(Parameter.Acgroups.tablePid, rows, NotifyProtocol.SaveOption.Full);
however nothing seems to happen. There are no errors or exceptions, rows is a List<object[]> and I have verified that it's not empty. Table itself uses type="retrieved". I'm not sure where to look at next, is there any reason why this call might "fail" silently or why it might "succeed" without results? Also how might I use the object returned by this method to analyse the result?
Hi Edib,
Could you confirm a couple of things for me?
- Is the first position of each object[] passed as a string type?
Each item on the list represents a row and the first position is the primary keys (PK), if you have numeric values for the PKs you still need to pass them as a string (e.g. "1" instead of 1) - If you increase the log level of the element do you see any relevant log that could indicate an error?
Regarding the return type, if I recall correctly, it is a boolean indicating whether the operation was successful.

Hi João,
the issue was that I was storing GUID to the key property. Just adding ToString() resolved the issue.
Thank you!