Can you please tell me if Dataminer in the present monitors the following AWS components:
- media live
- media packager
- cloudfront
Any additional information you can provide me on this subject?
Thank you.
Best regards
Bruno Sousa

Hi Bruno,
I was able to find a connector for the Media Live and Media Packager not the CloudFront
You can use this link to browse what we have available.
We can certainly extend the current AWS drivers to support cloudfront if this is required, all the build block to make this happens already exists. Please discuss with your sales or TAM contact. Thanks.
You may want to consider if you’re ok with the “monitor only” or you’ll need “monitor & control” (GETs & SETs basically): for the latter, indeed, you’ll need the dedicated drivers; for the “monitoring only” option , if you already run AWS CloudWatch, you might be ok with a CloudWatch integration (you’ll have to check with SL how many services you can monitor with a single driver licensed & if any KPIs you’ll need are chargeable metrics in AWS)