Hi all, the one method I'm aware of to check license usage (Total elements) for a DMS (cluster of DMA) is to log into each DMA using Cube and navigate to the About page. This page will show the current 'Total elements' counter and the max licensed number.
Are there alternative methods to check license usage across a DMA cluster that does not required logging into each DMA via Cube? (e.g.: parsing a file or API calls)
Hi Bing,
Another alternative is using the method GetDataMinerAgentsLicenseInfo from the DataMiner Web Services API. You can find more information in the DataMiner Web Service API Reference.
The response of this call will return the license information for each of the DMAs in the DMS.
Hi Bing,
As you already mentioned, the attribute clientAppName is no longer required. Indeed, I could also notice that you still need to set a value for this attribute, however the API only verifies that this attribute is not empty.
For testing purposes you could you any value in this attribute. However; if you plan to use the web API in an external application, I believe it will be a good idea to use a proper name that could identify this external application.
To determine the maximum licensed count, you can send (from inside an automation script or protocol QAction) a GetInfoMessage with the type property set to 'InfoType.Licenses' and parse the string[] Licenses property. For example to find the maximum number of elements licensed, look for an entry starting with 'ELEMENTS':
To determine the license usage, you can send a SetDataMinerInfoMessage with the What property set to 353 (NotifyType.NT_GET_ACTIVATED_LICENSE_COUNTERS).
The SA property of the response message will contain the license usage (also prefixed by 'ELEMENTS'). For example:
Thanks Jens for describing this alternative. Given that these method(s) are to be called from automation scripts and/or protocol, is it correct to say that that logging into each DMA via Cube will still be required to retrieve the license count using these methods?

Yes for security reasons any API call will require you to log in to the system
Miguel, I notice that I need to call ConnectApp method first to obtain a GUID. When calling the ConnectApp, there is this field called clientAppName. I noticed from Dataminer Help that the clientAppName is no longer required from from DataMiner 9.6.0 CU19/10.0.0 CU7/10.0.12 onwards. However when testing out ConnectApp, I noticed that the the SOAP endpoint still requires a value for clientAppName. And entering a random string like ‘a’ seems to satisfy the endpoint.
Can anyone shed some light on whether DataMiner 9.6.0 CU19/10.0.0 CU7/10.0.12 onwards still processes the clientAppName field?