I'm using a Time range component in LCA and I have encountered a problem when clicking on an already selected time range.
For example, if I select one time range, then scroll the timeline, and then want to come back to the same time range, clicking the already selected time range doesn't do anything.
In order return to the time range I want to see, I have to select a different time range, then come back and select the one I want to see.
Is there a way to reset the time range without having to select another time range?
Hi Enver,
Yes, this is the expected behavior with feeds, as the framework prevents feeding the same value twice.
For now, I recommend synchronizing the viewport of the timeline with the time range. This way, both will stay in sync, with the time range updating the timeline and vice versa.

You can drag the viewport timespan as data on the time range component. This updates the time range in the component whenever the user changes their viewport.
Ah, I see, thanks for taking the time to answer, it works now. The only problem is that the default time range on the timeline component doesn’t work. When the page loads it shows a time range 14 days wide, 7 in the past and 7 in the future. Changing the “Default time range” settings on both the time range and the timeline components does not affect this default time range. Is this known behavior?

We can consider that to be a software issue. As a workaround, you can add an action on page/panel load to set the time range of either the timeline or time range component. This can be done with relative time windows as of DataMiner 10.3 (CU20), 10.4 (CU8) and 10.4.11 (estimated release on October 18th). I’ll also post an update here once the default time range issue is resolved.
Hi Sebastiaan,
I’m not sure if I’m missing something here. What do you mean by “synchronizing the viewport of the timeline with the time range”? If that means linking the time range to a feed by clicking the link button and choosing the time range component from the dropdown list, then there is only one-way control from the time range to the timeline component, not vice versa.
Is there anything else that I need to configure in order to enable the two way communication?