Hello All,
We are having trouble alarming a Media Proxy Logserver.
The attached screengrab shows, on the left, an alarm template. But although the parameters have been enabled on the alarm template the element is still gray. Is this because the MediaPRoxy Logserver only works on traps & a trap needs to come in for the alarm to be triggered?
On the right of the screengrab, are traps that are being received on the status of an encoder. How do we alarm for these traps, please?

Based on the configured alarm template I see that rows are monitored from the "Service Status" table that only contain "BBCS" in the display key.
The displayed table in the screenshot is the "Information Traps" table, which is probably not monitored.
If there are no rows present in the "Service Status" table that contain "BBCS" then it means that the other rows in that table are not monitored and have no severity (also not "Normal", green status color). If there are also no other parameters with a severity then there is no severity to be reflected on the element itself, resulting in a grayed out element.
To be able to see the "Normal", green color, reflected on the element, there needs to be a monitored row present with severity normal. That means in this case if there was no trap received yet, or cleared traps are automatically removed, that there is no "Normal" severity to reflect on the element.

Hello Laurens,
How do I monitor a service, please?
Should services appear in the Service Status table?

I’m not familiar with that driver, but based on the screenshot of the alarm template it seems that you’re trying to monitor something from the “Service Status” table. The content of that “Service Status” table is not displayed in the screenshot. The driver help could give more information of how that table gets filled in or you could also contact your Skyline Technical Account Manager to perhaps show a small demo to them.
Hello Laurens,
How do I monitor a service, please?
Should services appear in the Service Status table?