suppose I have an element (a changeover) with four input states. I want to increase alert severity (to major) if two inputs are bad. Theroretically I can creade an alarm template condition like this:
For SDI Input D Status:
if SDI Input A Status Equal to Warning
and SDI Input B Status Equal to Warning
and SDI Input C Status Equal to Warning
I know this link:
But following this video: alarm colour on SDI Input D should not be draw? (no green bullet).
But I still see the alert, albeit with condition. See screenshots.
Regards Cedric

Hi Cedric,
I see that this question has been inactive for some time. Do you still need help with this? If not, could you select the answer (using the ✓ icon) to indicate that the question is resolved?

As this question has now been inactive for a very long time, I will close it. If you still want more information about this, could you post a new question?
About the alarm template you show: keep in mind that a condition will exclude a line in the alarm template if that condition evaluates to true. Hence, in your example the line will be included, unless all three of 'SDI Input Status A/B/C' are warning.
Reading your original problem, you probably want the condition
- 'SDI Input Status A' is not warning AND
- 'SDI Input Status B' is not warning AND
- 'SDI Input Status C' is not warning
Then you should only get a parameter status (i.e. green or other color bullet) for 'SDI Input Status D' if at least one of 'SDI Input Status A/B/C' is set to warning.
However, as Miguel mentioned, a correlation rule might be more appropriate here. Assuming you want to apply the same rule on multiple elements of the same protocol, you can create a correlation rule as follows: in the alarm filter section filter out the protocol and the parameters you want to apply your rule to
(I don't immediately have your protocol, so I did it on four parameters of some other protocol. You should put 'SDI Input Status A/B/C/D' here.)
Then, you group the resulting alarms per element
Then, add a condition to make sure the rule only applies when there are two or more alarms (on the same element).
Finally, you can then create a new alarm with severity major on the element with the SDI Input Status alarms.
Hi Cedric,
Small question, Is it not an option to use correlation rules to escalate the alarm?