Hello Dojo,
I am having a strange situation. I have set some alarms to be sent, using hysteresis. Settings are according to the image below:
But my Appear chassis shows this time stamp:
With hysteresis on, set at 60 seconds, i should get the alarms only after 60 seconds and if they are still there.
Why is Dataminer sending out the alarms without taking into account that hysteresis?

Hi Marian,
Just to make sure that we all talk about the same thing, because you seem to refer to alarms that you see in Appear TV in their web interface: whatever you configure in terms of hysteresis in DataMiner, it will not impact the alarms displayed in Appear TV. DataMiner retrieves data from Appear TV, it evaluates whether or not there is an alarm based on the Alarm Template configuration, and where necessary it generates an alarm accordingly in the DataMiner Alarm Console. As Emmanuel indicated, if the data collection is based on polling cycles, then of course there could be delays, and only when the data is retrieved DataMiner can re-evaluate the situation, and updates its alarms in DataMiner accordingly.
Note also that if this revolves around delaying the triggering of an e-mail notification, then you would have two options. A) you delay the triggering of an Alarm in DataMiner, and then accordingly the e-mail notification will be delayed, or B) you leave the alarms as is, with no hysteresis, but you use a correlation rule to trigger when the alarm is active for a longer period, and to then dispatch an e-mail notification as a result.
Hi Ben,
About AppearTV, that is crystal clear. Dataminer is only reading AppearTV’s status.
Alarm template is pretty simple, having only 7 alarms configured. The goal is to read the interface of AppearTV (this is done correctly but having some delays from time to time), use hysteresis option (60 seconds on, 10 seconds off), and in the end display / send email if conditions are met.
I have set the pooling time (from AppearTV drivers) to 15 seconds.
So at every 15 seconds information is pulled from the equipment. Even so, i get short alarms (1-2 seconds) immediately as they come.
This is something i can check and compare in the web interface. I’ll try to dig more into this by changing values and testing.
Thank you!
Hi Marian,
Have you been able to solve the issue with these answers? If so, could you select the best answer (using the ✓ icon)?