Hi Dojo,
I'd like to learn more about the workflows and the transitions that are available in the current implementation of the Collaboration portal: is this currently based just on Scrum and Sprints?
Could it be possible to experiment with Kanban too? Any steer will be helpful.
I have a feeling that Kanban could be helpful where the same squad needs to deal with both project tasks and with any interruptions coming from urgent items in the Maintenance and Support queue: what's the standard workflow in the current deployment? Is Sprint mandatory?
Thank you,
PS: I noticed that in the past, after adding feedback on a "Waiting" item, it could go to "In Progress" - this seems different now, with only one state that can be selected on the customer's side, i.e. "Investigation" - it makes sense, but is it possible to generate/get notifications in the collaboration tool (not via email) when tasks are reassigned?
With reference to your task-flow, what's the expected state for items that have been scheduled for the current sprint?
Like Matthias said, the collaboration board isn't really based on any one framework. It's just a tool for teams to self-organize. They can choose to do this with SCRUM, KANBAN or something completely different still.
Skyline doesn't really set any requirements as to how people self-organize, as long as it's Agile.
That does mean it might not always be clear to you what a certain task in a certain status and "assigned to" means. I believe we should get rid of this problem as much as possible. Some ways to do this, while still letting teams self-organize:
- Make the board as transparent as possible. Make rules clear ON the board, have sprints shown (with buckets or labels). Always make sure tasks have statuses and comments that represent the current state, etc.
- Communicate. The closer you are to an end user/stakeholder, the easier it will be for that person to follow what is happening on the board. This because they will have been present at sprint reviews and maybe even sprint plannings, so they should know what to expect. And then they should see it reflected on the board.
- Have general conventions. I put this last, because it's very important to me that this doesn't intervene with the team's ability to self-organize.
Regarding "getting notifications when a task changes status", there is now a feature in collaboration with which you can subscribe to a task. You will then get a mail for changes to this specific item.
Lastly regarding the waiting status, this can occur at any point in the flow, although past the "in progress" status, it should be unexpected. The comments should make clear why it happened at any point.
I hope that answers all of your questions.

Guys, thank you all for your feedback
Where Sprints are used, I’d rather subscribe to the planned Sprint – there’s a glitch coming from the current visibility settings as customers cannot see what’s planned for the next delivery – this has also an impact on weblinks for the tasks, as I cannot open any link with the Sprint/Squad details added in the url (which is the most common format when a squad is quickly pasting a link for reference from the items they’re working on) – more details in this feature request:
Hi Toon, unfortunately subscribing to a task is only internally available for now. We do have it on the backlog to open it up to all our users.