Is there any way to activate/deactivate a channel output from DM? I thought it was on "Output IP --> IP Outputs Port Configuration: IP Out Status" but that was only check the status on the port.
How I activte it in AppearTV GUI
How it looks like in DM.

Sorry, maybe I was not clear in my question. I wonder how I can activate/deactivate the channel in Dataminer, not In AppearTV GUI.

Hi Thomaz, changing the value of the ‘IP Out Status’ parameter from Enabled to Disabled unchecks the checkbox on the AppearTV Web Interface. Vice versa, setting that parameter from Disabled to Enabled will check that checkbox on the AppearTV Web Interface (might need to refresh the Web Interface to see the update).
So it should indeed be this parameter you mentioned.
Note: if you update the value on the Web Interface, it might take a bit before you see the updated status in the IP Outputs Port Configuration Table based on the connector polling speed.

Hi Robin,
I also thought that but nothing happens in the AppearTV Chassis even if I do an refresh of the GUI. If I start Stream Viewer when I do this I get this answer at group 456:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-> 16:35:38 – Get for Status Code () returned VT_BSTR : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-> 16:35:38 – Get for dummy next param 12 () returned VT_BSTR :
env:ReceiverSpecified port does not exist
I get the same answer even if I try on a other channel.

Hi Thomaz,
If the API Response contains ‘Specified port does not exist’, it seems like a connector issue where the request being sent out is missing a value for the Output Port.
Would it be possible to test and verify this functionality with the latest version of the connector? The driver help page is indicating 4.4.1.X as the main range, the latest released version at this moment is which you can download from the catalog (https://catalog.dataminer.services/result/driver/1017).
In case
– this was already tested on the latest version
– or it doesn’t work on this version as well
– or you would have a different range
Would it be possible to get in touch with your Skyline contact so we can look into a fix and provide a new version?
Thanks in advance
Hi Thomaz,
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