Hi, my colleague is not able to see the private videos in dataminer.tv
If he joins this Dojo community, can he access the private content across dataminer.tv?
Hi Pramod, dataminer.tv will be part of the overall DataMiner Cloud Platform, and the content will be available for anybody with a DataMiner Cloud Platform account. But currently this is still work in progress, so stay tuned. But to sum it up, the DataMiner Cloud Platform account will provide eventually access to Dojo (the community), dataminer.tv and the catalog (to browse all available components such as interface drivers, and in the near future also dashboards, automation scripts, etc.). If a user is associated with a customer of Skyline, additional modules will automatically be available as well, such as Project Collaboration (to track orders and deliverables from Skyline). Another module launching soon is the Sharing module. That one will show all the dashboards that have been shared with you. So this is also for non-Skyline customers.

Thanks Ben, great to know this!