I had this issue prior on my old less powerfull pc in 9.6.
But on my newer pc : I could run 9.6, 10.1 and 9.0 versions without having this problem ever again.
Yesterday I upgraded to 10.2 overcoming some obstacles (see https://community.dataminer.services/question/10-2-install-on-localhost-allthough-unselect-cluster-verifyclusterports-failed/)
Yesterday I managed once to have it startup 100%, but now after 5 attempts : it always stuck at 99% starting.
In the logfile of SLNet.txt : the following messages appear every second (started 4 minutes before the stuck at 99%):
2024-01-26 13:33:10.351|12|Destroy|Connection did not authenticate. Computer: PC-2302 Application: Cube User: IDIRECT\cvla
2024-01-26 13:33:10.352|60|Facade.HandleMessage|Incoming (Local SLNet): Status: IDIRECT\cvla @ PC-2302 (Cube) => Closed Connection
2024-01-26 13:33:10.353|12|GenerateInformationAlarm|Not generating information alarm (no agent up and running): 28705/2100000000/64637 [Connection did not authenticate. Computer: PC-2302 Application: Cube User: IDIRECT\cvla ]
2024-01-26 13:33:10.624|12|Facade.HandleMessage|Incoming (SLAnalytics): GetInfo DataMinerStates
2024-01-26 13:33:11.362|12|AuthenticationStep|
None of the other logfiles received logging 8 minutes before the 99% stuck.

I have send those 2 logfiles to your skyline email
In SLerror.txt indeed an exception: 12 minutes after beginning 99% start stuck:
2024/01/26 13:49:49.211|SLDBConnection.txt|SLDBConnection|TaskScheduler_UnobservedTaskException|ERR|0|2|System.InvalidOperationException: No connection with the NATS server. The subscription to storage.migration.cc.global can not be created.
at Skyline.DataMiner.MessageBroker.SLMessageBroker.SubscribeNATSInner(String topic, String queueGroup, EventHandler`1 handler)
at SLCassandraClassLibrary.DBGateway.CassandraCluster.LiveMigration.Shared.Messaging.NatsSession..ctor(Int32 dataMinerId, Boolean isFailoverBackup, ISLMessageBroker messageBroker, ISLNetConnection connection)
at SLCassandraClassLibrary.DBGateway.CassandraCluster.LiveMigration.Shared.Messaging.NatsSessionFactory.Create(IDataGatewayContext dgwContext)
at SLCassandraClassLibrary.DBGateway.DBGateway.b__160_3()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
NATS service is running
We use MySQL, not Casandra
Do we need NATS in a non cluster – non redundant system – single DMA on localhost ?

Hi Cristel,
Based on the logging, there seems to be a problem with NATS.
Can you please try the following steps:
1. Open the file SLCloud.xml, located in the folder C:Skyline DataMiner.
2. Replace any references to the old IP address with the new IP address, and save the file.
3. Uninstall NAS and NATS:
– Go to C:Skyline DataMinerFiles and double-click SLEndpointTool_Console.exe.
– Press U to confirm that you want to uninstall NAS and NATS.
– Press Enter twice, enter NAS, and press Y.
4. Install NAS and NATS again:
– Go to C:Skyline DataMinerFiles and double-click SLEndpointTool_Console.exe.
– Press I to confirm that you want to install NAS and NATS
– Press Enter twice, enter NATS, and press Y.
5. If your DataMiner Agent is connected to dataminer.services, restart all DataMiner Extension Modules.
6. Restart DataMiner.
I see that this question has been inactive for some time. Do you still need assistance with this? If not, could you select this answer so this question is closed?
Yes this problem is solved. Skyline connected remotely to my pc, and after some actions it 10.2 works more or less (2 a 3 times a day a blue screen).
Now I have a much bigger problem : because DMA uses a legacy TLS, my DMA cannot connect to the DB anymore since Friday when security has disabled this legacy TLS : big problems for which a colla ticket is created.

As the additional problem will be handled based on the mentioned ticket, I will close this question here. If you do have another question related to this, could you create a new question entry for this? That way, we can be sure it will get picked up as soon as possible, because comments on older questions tend to go under the radar.
Hi Cristel,
The logs in SLNet, are the result of your cube client attempting to connect, but this fails as the startup is not complete.
Would you be able to share the most recent content of the SLDataMiner.txt and SLErrors.txt log files?