
"Thanks!!" on C# not working in the way I expected., 14th May 2024.

"Thank you!!" on C# not working in the way I expected., 14th May 2024.

"Hi Michiel, As the latest parameter always has a different display key. I…" on Display data only in the first row of a table, 6th February 2024.

"So would this be the correct code for combining them altogether? [param:[this elementid],[param:[this…" on Visio – Can you use a session variable inside of a param placeholder?, 22nd December 2023.

"Hi Sebastian, Thanks for the reply!! I appreciate it so much! I might…" on Visio – Can you use a session variable inside of a param placeholder?, 22nd December 2023.

"Thank you so much! I can't believe it was just that simple!" on Visio – How do I display a variable linked to a SetVar drop down box?, 19th December 2023.

"Hi Pawel Bochenek, thank you so much for your answer! It worked perfectly!" on How can I pull a column of data from a table and use it in a session variable drop down menu?, 18th December 2023.

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