
Euler Peron

"Thank you very much" on AAA services – tacplus / Radius, 16th April 2024.

"Thank you very much." on MIgration Package to new Dashboards to replace old legacy DM Reports, 27th February 2024.

"Hi friend, couldn't you use a fixed data variable on the service template…" on Filter table using service templates, 1st November 2023.

"Thank you Miguel, Indeed, for single parameters it doesn't make sense to have…" on Parameter Key on Filters, Northbound, Correlations and Service Templates, 20th October 2023.

"Miguel and Bruno, how would it be done in the gqi to get…" on Best way for converting report to dashboard, 4th May 2022.

"Thank you again Sebastiaan, That small demo was very useful. I´ll try that…" on Query indexes for feed filters, 7th June 2021.

"Thank you very much Sebastiaan I appreciate you availability to answer my question.…" on Dashboards Query – Trending and Avg for a time slot, 7th June 2021.

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