"I noticed that after some time, my connection to the cluster via the…" on The problem from menu Live Diagnostic in Cassandra Reaper after ugrade form ver. 3.2.0 to 3.7.1, 8th January 2025.
"Hi Toon. Where should I set this rule as below in shape data…" on How to convert active parameter to text, 28th March 2024.
"Hi Toon. Yes, this is the same case. Big thanks for help. Br.…" on How can I rewrite the display of the active parameter (source IP address) into text., 28th March 2024.
"Hi Toon. More information as below Br. Jarek" on How can I rewrite the display of the active parameter (source IP address) into text., 27th March 2024.
"Hi Ben. Yes, this is where the second case comes into play for…" on How to execute the script and set the parameter for the device OID via dashboard ?, 25th March 2024.
"Hi Miguel. Problem the same. I sent the sreens as below" on Hide/show shape data in Visio. How use it for color channging green/red ( no for alarms color )?, 20th March 2024.
"Hi Toon. I replied below Jarek" on Hide/show shape data in Visio. How use it for color channging green/red ( no for alarms color )?, 20th March 2024.
"Hi Jeeva. I would not like to use two shapes, because only the…" on SHAPE DATA of color change according to the MAIN/BACK status for the channel, 20th March 2024.
"Hi Klass. Yo can see shape data as below on screen Br. Jarek" on View of the VISIO file in the dashboard. Not working Link to website for device management, 18th March 2024.
"Hi. I don't want to delete these Correlations rules. Do I have to…" on RemoveLegacyCorrelation – error in time upgrade Agent DMA, 20th March 2025.