
João Severino

"If I recall correctly when having the * in the shape to be…" on Regex match string, 19th April 2024.

"If you need assistance on how to remove any of the components from…" on Properly uninstall IDP and Resource Manager, 19th April 2024.

"Hi, As far as I am aware the IDP license should not impact…" on Properly uninstall IDP and Resource Manager, 19th April 2024.

"Hi James, The wildcard * won't work in this case. Could you try…" on Regex match string, 18th April 2024.

"Currently, it is not possible as there is no defined structure for multiple…" on Scripted connectors – multiple foreign keys, 16th April 2024.

"Unfortunately, your use case is currently not supported. Due to the nested structure…" on Scripted connectors – multiple foreign keys, 16th April 2024.

"Hi Ruben, I am not aware of the particularities of an element's 'private'…" on Adding Documents programmatically, 27th March 2024.

"Hi Paul, I am not too familiar with the implementation of services but…" on Set/Remove alarm templates from a protocol, 22nd March 2024.

"Hi Jason, Apparently, my recollection was slightly off as it was a suffix…" on Executing an automation script without user cookie fails, 21st March 2024.

"To remove the alarm template you should be able to pass null value…" on Set/Remove alarm templates from a protocol, 21st March 2024.

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