
Emmanuel Dal

"Yvan, Yes, today you need to enable that permission flag. However ,this does…" on How to disable Cube access for users that need Low Code Apps access?, 18th December 2023.

"Only [RESERVATIONID] is supported" on How can you trigger the created booking script?, 30th November 2023.

"I was wrong initially, the Profile Definition ID is not saved in the…" on update service definition after profile id update, 23rd November 2023.

"Did you save the service definition right after removing the node ?" on update service definition after profile id update, 23rd November 2023.

"Michiel, if you use the GetParameter method, then you'll get a value even…" on Can information templates impact our automated actions?, 22nd November 2023.

"No, this is not what I'm saying. If you want robust automation scripts,…" on Can information templates impact our automated actions?, 21st November 2023.

"You're right! This is only possible via the configuration of the booking manager." on SRM: create service on a specific DMA?, 20th November 2023.

"Isn't there another QAction that refreshes the table after startup and erases or…" on How to save User input after restarting a driver, 31st October 2023.

"Yes, such a configuration is available in the DOM Editor" on How to automate running PA scripts based on DOM states, 30th October 2023.

"I would suggest to introduce a new state (ie : 'Deleting' or similar…" on How to automate running PA scripts based on DOM states, 30th October 2023.

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