"This development could use an option on CubeLauncherConfig.json for all DMAs." on Cube login "Remember me", 4th July 2024.
"Hi. You're rigth! it's working by copiing AlerterSettings.zip on users directory on the…" on Prepare and deploy Alerter configuration, 15th March 2024.
"Thanks. But it's not a lower case. I magine I open dashboard to…" on Minimum Dashboard rigths for scheduler, 20th September 2023.
"The solution give by Sebastiaan works fine. It's a problem of dashboard rigths.…" on Refresh new Dashboards on agents for cube access., 20th September 2023.
"Good news. Unfortunately on release main 10.3 CU2, It's not yet the case.…" on Refresh new Dashboards on agents for cube access., 19th September 2023.
"Hi. If our agent A (who got the element source of the correlation…" on Is it possible to trigger on a DataMiner startup event?, 12th September 2023.
"We are in 10.3 CU2 n this DMS." on Show time range selection on PDF sent by email, 23rd August 2023.
"The "#define DEBUG" is on top of script, on first line. The error…" on Preprocessor #defineon a C# automation script, 28th June 2023.
"Hi. Solution found with my Skyline contact: on correlation, we select Run Script.…" on How to pass parameters to an automation script when it is launch by correlation?, 23rd June 2023.
"Thanks it's was really a typo problem. Thanks also for the advice to…" on Multiple condition on visio, 27th January 2025.