Limit on no of Queries in Dashboard

Hi Daniel, The number of Queries you can create in one dashboard or app is indeed limited: “From DataMiner 10.3.0 [CU18]/10.4.0 [CU6]/10.4.9 onwards, a maximum of 30 GQI queries can …

Redundant polling behavior

From what I can see from a quick test, it will execute all retries, then switch to the redundant connection while also moving to the the next poll group, so …

Setting up SLLogCollector for CPU

Hi Arun, I noticed that you can run the SLLogCollector via command line. You could use the Microsoft Platform element to achieve this: Create a correlation rule that will be …

MQTT Client – Broker Communication in DataMiner

Hi Gorazd, After a quick search, I couldn’t find an off-the-shelf generic connector ready for testing. However, I don’t see any technical obstacles to creating a connector that subscribes to …

Validate Data in Table Column in a Element

It looks like this question has already been answered in the comments. To make it clear that this question no longer requires an answer, I have added this pro forma …

SLA Element Time’s

Hi Zean You should be able to extract for example minutes and seconds and convert to proper time using excel formulas. Did a quick test: Assume the data is in …