Using custom dll’s on a DaaS system.

Hi Michiel As mentioned by Jens, an internal NuGet would be a lot better as it’s easier to use and has proper versioning. If you still want to use a …

Cube Launcher app

Hi Roger, Based on your description, it seems you are needing one of the deployments methods without Automatic updates. You can find the various options here: DataMiner Cube deployment methods …

Trap Receiver – Variable-bindings: Object Name

Hi Stacey, since you are already working with the trapInfo object (allBindingInfo), you could use the TrapInfo.FromTrapData(trapInfo) method to parse the data. Then the ‘object name’ should be available in …

How to Sort a TreeControl by Date (Descending)

Hi Santiago, I’m not aware of a way to sort descending instead of ascending. A possible workaround is to add an additional (hidden) column with the values in opposite order …

Using custom dll’s on a DaaS system.

Hi Michiel, Would it be possible to make use of internal NuGets instead? In that case you can just push your automation scripts, with the NuGets included, to the DaaS …

dynamically change the units of a parameter

Hi peng fei, As far as I know this is not possible. For this case you will need to create parameters for each specific measurement. However, it is possible to …

Use Parameter to scale the size of a shape visio

Hi Sam, Another option could be to model this into a dashboard or low-code app (which could also be embedded into the visual overview, if needed). In a dashboard/low-code app, …

Viso embedded into another Viso

This blog post shows how to embed and toggle different pages when you watch the video, but that is via predefined options. How to supercharge your Visual Overviews: real-life use …