Create a Scheduler Task from Automation

Using the IDmsScheduler from the Skyline.DataMiner.Core.DataMinerSystem.Common nuget, you can create and schedule your tasks in the Task Scheduler.

How do I exclude with wildcard

Hi Jeyaram, I think this might help you Searching in DataMiner Cube | DataMiner Docs Kind regards,

dynamically change the units of a parameter

It’s possible to override the visible properties of a parameter from a QAction with the following method: NT_UPDATE_DESCRIPTION_XML This supports updating parameter descriptions, min and max range and step size. …

Alarm console filtering

Hi Matija, Create a “shared alarm filter” for the console and save it. This will be accessible to every user. They will only need to select the filter you set …

Execute Automation for all indexes at once

Hi Daniel, I don’t think achieving this using the standard building blocks is possible. Would it be an option for you to use the c# action? I’ve created an example …

Export Elements

Hi Jeyaram. We have a lot of elements on our system >15000 and a mix of Directly Monitored and DVE’s and we can’t export all elements in one go from …

driver monitoring TCP Ports

Hi Jeroen, Did you give this one a try? Generic Port Monitoring. (link to catalog) Or this one: Generic Network Services Monitor. (link to catalog)

Retrieving Parameter name with PrameterID in automation script

Hi Gerrit, From your element object, that you get from engine.FindElement, you can use the following: var parameterInfo = element.Protocol.FindParameter(paramId); var parameterDescription = parameterInfo.Description; Probably what you want is the …