Support life cycle update

Support life cycle update

With each new DataMiner version, certain features and third-party software integrations reach the end of their life cycle. Some of these are already no longer supported, while others will be phased out in future releases.

If a DataMiner functionality or third-party software has reached End of Support, it will no longer be updated or supported. The next step in the life cycle is the End of Life phase, during which the feature or compatibility will be removed. Here’s an overview of the features that are no longer supported:

  • Cassandra versions older than 4.x are no longer supported on any operating system. If you’re still running a version older than 4.x, you will need to upgrade to ensure continued compatibility with DataMiner. Alternatively, you can switch over to a Storage as a Service (STaaS) setup, which eliminates the need for you to maintain the databases yourself.
  • The autoincrement option for logger tables is no longer supported for various reasons. If you still need auto-increment behavior for logger tables, we recommend implementing it in the protocol itself.
  • Two-site redundant indexing clusters are no longer supported when using Elasticsearch or OpenSearch. If you require redundancy for your data, we strongly recommend switching to STaaS, which offers two types of storage redundancy: zone-redundant storage and geo-redundant storage.

End of Support as of DataMiner 10.6 (Q4 2025)

As of DataMiner version 10.6, the following features will no longer be supported:

  • MySQL will no longer be supported as a local database option. While existing features will continue to function, new features will require a supported storage setup. We recommend switching to STaaS.
  • The legacy Reporter & Dashboards module will be retired and replaced with the new Dashboards app in DataMiner 10.6.
  • The Asset Manager module in DataMiner Cube will be discontinued. A new replacement is currently in development, though it will not be a direct one-to-one replacement.
  • The pivot table and group components in Dashboards and Low-Code Apps are being phased out. However, there are numerous alternative visualization options available.

End of Support as of DataMiner 10.7 (Q4 2026)

As of DataMiner version 10.7, the following features will no longer be supported:

  • Setups where each DMA has its own Cassandra database will no longer be supported. We recommend switching to STaaS instead.
  • Elasticsearch 6.8 (or lower) is no longer supported by Elastic, and as a result, DataMiner will phase out support for it as well. We recommend transitioning to STaaS for optimal performance.

Find out more about the software support life cycles in the official DataMiner documentation.

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