Hi Dojo,
Would anyone please be able to advise what the impact is of having Services on Client Nodes (or Nodes with no element licensing)? I have a few questions related to this!
When Elements are unintentionally built on our Client Nodes we get Notices to inform us that the DMA license has been exceeded, but I have noticed that this does not happen when Services are built on Client Nodes. Does this mean that there is no impact of Services on Client Nodes?
Additionally, when building a Service by using 'Apply' from a template, there is no option to select a DMA to build it on, instead the Service is built on the Node the user has connected from. Is there a reason that the DMA is non selectable?
Lastly, if we want to move Services to different DMAs, is there a way to do this? It looks like the 'Migrate' function is only available for Elements.
Many thanks!
Hi Carys,
The number of services is not limited by the DMA license.
As for service templates and where they generate their service:
"By default, the services created by a service template will be added on the DMA hosting the majority of the child elements. In case there are no child elements, the services are added on the DMA where the service template is executed. However, you can force the selection of a specific DMA by adding an input data field with the name :forceDMA and the type Fixed Value, and specifying the DMA ID in the Details column."
(taken from Specifying the input data for a service template | DataMiner Docs)
There is currently no support for easily migrating services from one DataMiner agent to another. Such functionality will become available in the future though, as part of the Swarming feature.
Hope this helps!