We found that SLNet is configured to log in Verbose Mode
If we change to Error is it taken into account directly ?
I believe the switches get read on SLNet process startup only.
To toggle the value at runtime (not updating the slnet.exe.config file), see SLNetClientTest > Diagnostics > Runtime logging...
Note that changing these log levels most likely doesn't have that big of an effect on what ends up in the SLNet logfile. Most logging in the process gets written regardless of log levels.
i think it is a problem if components write regardless the log level.
we monitored the disk io write / sec with perfmon and sometimes it writes MB /sec
in production we don't need verbose logs, only errors.
and capability to switch to more details live to identify problems.
I noticed that IEngine.LogType has an Always value.
Does IEngine.Log method with only message argument logs in Always mode ?