I built a correlation rule that triggers an email to say a service has stated based on data in the Information events
My rule is set up as follows
Alarm Filter
Is Severity Equal to Information
And Element Equal to AWSMedialive ASTB
Rule Condition
Is Filter Condition
Is Value Matches wildcard expression *Set by*Start
Information event below shows status for a Start action
Element name Parameter description Value Severity
AWS MediaLive ASTB Start (Channels) Service Name Set by User to Start Information
Trigger happens on Value set with Start in the wildcard expression and works. However, I want the trigger to be specific to the service name as well as the value
Is there an option where I can add to the rule, a condition that checks for the Service Name in Parameter Description field?
I did try to use an AND function with Parameter description (by protocol) but this did not work.
Any guidance would be appreciated
I assume your parameter is a table parameter and the 'Service Name' is the table index (i.e. the row identifier)? In that case, you can specify the index in the 'Parameter description (by protocol)' filter, as below
Make sure to use the correct index: the index specified there corresponds to the display key (i.e. not the primary key) of the table. The display key is also the one used in the parameter description of the information event.