Hi All!
I have a simple script that gets the configuration of an element and immediately posts it back using python with the help of zeep XML processing module. It works fine for multiple elements, but one, where there is an exception "zeep.exceptions.Fault: Invalid port configuration: expected nothing but received Base."
What could be the reason for it?
The script:
from zeep import Client
from zeep import xsd
clientV1 = Client(wsdl='')
connectionString = clientV1.service.ConnectApp('', user, password, 'Script')
el = clientV1.service.GetElementByName(connectionString, 'Dialog Config')
config = clientV1.service.GetElementConfiguration(connectionString, el.DataMinerID, el.ID)
clientV1.service.EditElement(connectionString, el.DataMinerID, el.ID, xsd.SkipValue, config)
Configuration of the element (as zeep interprets it) :