I have a dataminer pair agents and i would like to monitor the agent pair via an element in another dataminer agent. I would like to get the status information about the agent pair, such as which one is running, which one is stopped, an Alarm if failover happens etc. Is there a way to have an element in another dataminer agent to monitor the agent pair?
Thanks a lot.
For your use case, I am not sure there is something complete and out of the box but you should be able to use the Microsoft Platform driver to monitor the basic health of the servers themselves.
And then for more DataMiner-specific information, you could leverage our Web Services (v1) API | DataMiner Docs to retrieve some of the information you want, namely the GetDataMinerAgentsInfo method.
If this does not present all the information you need, you may consider creating a User-Defined API.
Hi Miao Miao,
if it is to get status information regarding a failover setup. There is also the Generic Failover Status connector. Which you could use to alarm the failover status and status details.