Hi Everyone
I'm wondering if is possible to get from a custom GQI script, by passing an elementID as string, is Element type, I need to have access to few parameters, in an automation script is not a problem, but in the Custom GQI I don't have access to the engine to get perform the GetElement().
Miguel Obregon [SLC] [DevOps Catalyst] Answered question 30th November 2023
Hi Marco,
Before using your custom GQI operator, you could use the data source Get Elements to retrieve the element ID and type.
Hope it helps.
Miguel Obregon [SLC] [DevOps Catalyst] Answered question 30th November 2023
Hi Miguel
Yes, but as my main scope is to get the DCF connection by label name (so neither the GQI to got the DCF work well in my case) I need to get the element as Elemeny type on a Custom GQI, so I can use that to get access to the connection, and from there search by name of connection.
But maybe you suggest to get the element and the type and then forward them to the custom GQI, the the custom GQI can get the type as Element?