I saw the use case on the Bridge Technologies VB440 (Bridge Technologies - Tech Partner Integrations - DataMiner Dojo) and installed the package from the Catalog (Catalog (dataminer.services)).
I noticed that the app which is part of the package does not contain the pages with the Widglets. Can these be included or how can I get these setup myself?
Hi Joey,
A Widglet is an HTML file. It uses a BridgeTech proprietary JavaScript API to connect to a probe and let you compose the Widglet's appearance.
It can be embedded on a Low-Code App using the Web component and feeding in the URL:
Some Widglets can be designed to take in URL parameters. This is useful, for example, to pass the probe address, parametrize which service(s) to show, or set layouts:
Widglets can normally be accessed from any public endpoint. On a Low-Code App however, if the Widglet is served from a remote endpoint, DataMiner will prevent access (Cross Origin Resource Sharing error). This is why the Widglets above are hosted in the same webserver as the App (ziine.skyline.be).
On the target DMA, this can be easily done by dropping the .HTML Widglet file in C:\Skyline DataMiner\Webpages\<Folder>\
Folder - The sub-folder where you'd like to store your Widglets. In the example above we use "BridgeTechnologies" folder.
Note: I was told that Widglets are not designed to be accessed by referrencing the HTML filepath outside the context of a webserver. So, something like "C:\Documents\MyWidglet.html" might not work.
Widglet's use JSAPI call to connect to a probe. The first example above connects to a hardcoded probe hosted at BridgeTech, despite the HTML page itself being hosted on Ziine.
The second example is taking the probe endpoint as a URL parameter, which is then used on the import statement.
If you'd like to connect to another probe, this is how.
- Widglet examples from BridgeTech repo: https://repo.bridgetech.tv/docs/widglet/
- This is the PDF Documentation to compose Widglets.
- BridgeTech App hosted on Ziine containing some of the examples listed above.
- Changed link to PDF Documentation. Is now public, no need to request access. Thanks Ben and Damien.
Hope this helps!
In addition to the information above from Rui, if there are any questions about the Widglet API, feel free to ping us at support@bridgetech.tv.

Hi Ben
Yes, this document is also available from Bridge Technologies here:
Hi Damian – great to see a Bridge Technologies expert here! Rui was referencing above a PDF document with more information, but that is stored internally at Skyline probably. Not sure if this is a public document, or if you have a link to a public version of this? It’s called the VB4040 Widglet Guide. Just in case this is relevant for other DataMiner users in the future.