I have noticed that presenting of http:// html pages result in a error
Is there any way to override the use of https for specific websites I want to embed in the webapps?
If your DataMiner is configured to use HTTPS, then it's not possible to load any content over HTTP in the app as it's considered as mixed content, browsers like Chrome will block the content with an error message like: "Mixed Content: The page was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure resource 'http source'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.". So your HTTP source should also be accessible over HTTPS, if that's not directly possible then maybe you can put some kind of proxy in between so that you can load it over HTTPS in the app. Another workaround could be, instead of showing it embedded inside a web component, to add a button with a "navigate to a url" action.