Hello All,
We have created some DVEs which are not appearing under their parent element. I can see the Views.xml is up to date on the local agent to the DVEs but not up to date on our DNMA that we log in to.
The question is how long does Views.xml take to sync and if we execute the sync tool in system centre for the Views.xml file from the agent we log into (not local to the DVEs) will we overwrite the agent with the DVEs Views file or will the latest file be synced across the cluster?
Many thanks,
Hi Ryan,
Views.xml changes should typically get synchronized near instantly. An extra validation occurs during the midnight synchronization.
If the file is having different contents on different servers, there might be a communication issue between these machines, preventing the synchronization.
The System Center > Tools > Synchronization > Type File for "C:\Skyline DataMiner\Views.xml" will copy over the full views.xml from the agent to which one is connected towards the other agents in the cluster. In your case: executing this on the DNMA agent will also remove the DVEs from the views on the agent with hosting the DVEs. Probably better to run this from the agent hosting the DVEs instead.