Hi All
Sorry, I'm having trouble configuring the output on IP on an X20 via Dataminer.
I'm using currently the driver for Dataminer version AppearTV X20 Platform.
The API versions are currently configurated:
meanwhile, the X20 S2X card from where I get the input is:
SW Version: 2.8.3-8177-gfee75693
SW Image: S2X In
Module: SRx100
And the output card is currently:
SW Version: 3.18-revision-3.18.20-8773-g873fdee5
SW Image: IP Gateway
Module: SWx200
Now my question is, How (else if) I can change the service set on output on IP set inside an X20?
For example, I have an output on IP already set, with 3 services, if I want to add a new service or remove it, I see I can do it from Data>IP Switch Outputs>IP Outputs Table and IP Output Multiplex Service Table.
Now the problem is, if I try to add a new service, it will be not added to the output. meanwhile, if I try to remove a service from an output, it will not be removed on the X20, but only from the dataminer.
There is not possibility at the least to switch a service in output with a different one on the X20?
Meanwhile another question is, if I try to create a new output as a TS type on Dataminer, during the configuration, it will give avaible only the first service avaible input. There is a way to create an output as TS from Dataminer for the X20?
Hope is everything clear
Hi Marco,
I may not have the answer for all questions but let me answer some of them:
In order to remove a service completely from the X20 too, you need to delete the corresponding Input from the Inputs table. I know and have been working on this for IP Switch (SWx...) and Dual IP (IPx...) that this is the way to remove the service.
Creating an output with a TS type seems a bug in the current AppearTV X20 Dataminer protocol. This needs to be fixed in the latest protocol version.
I advise you to get in contact with one of your Skyline contacts for driver fixes.