DIS version 2.47 is now available for download! This new version features multiple improvements, including the highlights presented below.
Not familiar yet with the DataMiner Integration Studio? Learn all about it on the DIS expert hub.
Support for external authentication when connecting to DataMiner
DIS now supports external authentication when connecting to a DataMiner System on which external authentication is configured.
Supported authentication methods:
- RADIUS (or similar methods that use a challenge)
Validator has been extracted from DIS
The Validator and its relevant projects have been extracted from DIS and can now be found in a separate, public GitHub repository.
Currently, DIS is using Validator version 1.1.1.
As with any public repository of Skyline, you too can contribute to the Validator! Always wanted to know how we do our validation or eager to add extra validation, make a fork and start developing!
XML Editor: New ‘As Development’ option
To the right of the Publish button, you can now find the As Development option, which will be enabled by default.
When this option is enabled, a ‘_DIS’ suffix will be added to the connector version when performing the following actions:
- Publish
- Copy Protocol to Clipboard
- Save Compiled Protocol As…

DVE validation results will be indicated clearer
When the Validator returns the result of a DVE child protocol validation, DIS will now add ‘DVE | ‘ in front of the description.
For a complete overview of all changes in this new version, check the release notes.
looking forward to utilizing the external authentication with SAML, very nice!