We’re back with another batch of DataMiner Inspire workshop videos introducing you to some of the hottest and newest DataMiner capabilities, from our novel Service & Resource Manager to the latest Visual Overview functionalities!
DataMiner Inspire – Green Track recordings

Introduction to Process Automation (coming soon)
Please note that you need to be logged in to access our Video Library: in the top-right corner of the screen, click LOG IN and authenticate yourself with your corporate email address.
Getting started with SRM and Profile-Load Scripts
Learn the basics of working with the SRM framework and Profile-Load Scripts. You’ll find out what Profiles are, what their purpose is, how you can create them, and how you can load them on resources.
The latest and greatest of Visual Overview
Experience the newest features introduced in Visual Overview and gain insight into how you can apply these must-have features to really make a difference with your Visual Overview pages through hands-on exercises.
Introduction to Process Automation (coming soon)
Find out how you can leverage the Process Automation framework to automate repeated tasks and facilitate simplifications and improvements of your existing workflows.
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Digitize your entire operation and leverage automated digital workflows to transform your business

DataMiner Service & Resource Management (SRM)
Empower your teams with a modular toolset for their automation & orchestration needs
Hi thank you for such valuable contents !
Could you please tell me when the “Introduction to Process Automation (coming soon)” will be uploaded to the library ?
thanks !