hosting 4 Questions Ask question Search Order By: NewCategoryClear Filter 16 Votes 1 Ans Cost considerations when hosting DataMiner in Azure Solved1.13K viewsbruno santos [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Selected answer as best 26th January 2023Cloud deployment hosting hosting agent 2 Votes 2 Ans Can DataMiner main and failover nodes be deployed across different availability zones? Solved1.13K viewsbruno santos [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Selected answer as best 26th August 2022Cloud deployment DMS architecture hosting 5 Votes 1 Ans Guidelines for Public Cloud hosting Solved1.52K viewsMarieke Goethals [SLC] [DevOps Catalyst] Selected answer as best 17th July 2023AWS Azure DataMiner Cloud hosting 5 Votes 1 Ans Which series of virtual machines are recommended when hosting an enterprise DMA in Azure cloud? Solved1.61K viewsJeroen Nietvelt [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Selected answer as best 24th December 2021Azure cloud hosting virtual machines