I'm attempting to create a simple Connector to get some Windows metrics using SNMP (similar to the Microsoft Platform SNMP connector - but simpler).
Using the lmmib2.mib, I'm able to query the svSvcTable and obtain the list of services inside a MIB browser.
However, it doesn't work in the Element - it just shows an empty table.
I'm using the DIS "Generate Parameter" feature to generate the parameters for that table, nothing fancy. Other tables and OIDs work, so not a config/firewall issues.
Any suggestion on what the issue might be?
Hi Trong,
For your table parameter are you using multiplegetnext if so could you change it to bulk or GetNext. As when using multiplegetnext, the whole table will fail if there is an error in any of the columns.
Another thing you could check would be your Interprete Type tag of your column parameters. Do they match the once found in your Mib?
Hi Trong, That is good to hear.
Just a reminder from my orignal reply, that the Generic Error still exists, just that it’ll only affect the Column/cell that was giving you the error.
But this is just a work around and might also help you pinpoint/troubleshoot the issue.
Thanks, Frans. Changed to ‘bulk’ and it worked.