Hi Dojo,
According to the docs, the History sets help fill the trend history:
How to use history sets on a protocol parameter | DataMiner Docs
Question I have is:
What if during the timeframe that we need to back-fill a gap, one of the KPI's that have alarming enabled crosses a threshold and then clears again.
1) Will a history alarm be created and cleared?
As the event happened in the past, I believe we would only see it in the alarm console if:
- We didn't enable the option "Automatically remove cleared alarms"
- if we do a history search on alarms for that element.
2) Would our correlation rule get triggered due to this very short alarm state being raised?
Hope I'm clear enough on my question, if not, let me know. Thanks!
Hi Thijs,
Coincidently, we are also working with history sets at the moment and a couple of your questions seem to match the ones we encountered. I'm however no expert myself on the topic.
From why I understood, although the docs only mention trending, history sets do indeed also work for alarming (we are looking into adding this to the docs). An important thing is that the alarm template needs to be set when the history sets are begin executed, because it uses the current template to create the alarms in the past. If the template is applied later, or a different template is chosen, it will not raise/correct alarms of the history data.
Apart from this these few things to note, I think the resulting alarm should be the same as any other alarm.
I'm not sure about the correlation rules, so I'll abstain from answering that part of the question.

Thanks for your insights on this Robin. Let’s await feedback from the experts to confirm this behavior as well as the question regarding correlation rules.