On my DMA, I have an element with state 'Undefined' (according to the 'State' property on the 'ElementInfoEventMessage' after sending an 'GetElementByNameMessage'). Typically, my elements have state 'Active'.
I don't see any errors or notices in the Alarm Console and my element card opens without showing any error or special message.
Do you know if there is an impact on my element when it's in state 'Undefined'?
When subscribing to events of type 'ElementStateEventMessage', then the State field is 'Active' for my element. So maybe the 'ElementInfoEventMessage' is just wrong and we can't rely on it?
See example below:
Possibly that element indeed doesn't have a state defined.
What does Helper.ElementManager.FindElement("RT_RN23565_QACTIONS_DllImport").GetElementState() return in your case?

I just tried it and it’s returning ‘Undefined’. In the source code of the QAHelper, the following call is executed in the background (if I’m not mistaken):
public ElementInfoEventMessage ElementInfo => Helper.SendSingleResponseMessage(new GetElementByIDMessage(DMAID, ElementID));
So this matches with my previous example where the state is ‘Undefined’. For our specific use case, we are making a BPA and want to be sure the ‘State’ info we receive is correct.