We're integrating DataMiner with a third party system that will be pulling information from DataMiner using API V1, the third party prefers using http post instead of soap.
As per the help page help.dataminer.services the note at the bottom states a section needs uncommenting to get this working outside the local host, which I have done in my testing.
Is there any reason why this is disabled by default? and should I be pushing the third party to use soap instead of http post?
Hi Philip,
Thanks for pointing this out, this could be an outdated section in our documentation. I tried this on a remote server without uncommenting that section, and my SOAP requests (using the POST verb) still succeed.
Most DataMiner web applications are using the JSON API in the background, so I would recommend using the JSON API instead. See this page for more information.

This is likely disabled by default for security reasons. I don’t think there should be issues using HTTP post using the JSON.asmx requests.
Thank Jens, I’ll update the details to be used.
It is indeed disabled by default for security reasons. When enabling it, anyone can browse to http://dataminer/API/v1/json.asmx and easily run the web methods using the test form. So it’s a setting for development purposes, it is not needed to enable this when using SOAP or JSON. The HTTP POST method is provided as-is, it won’t work for all web methods. So either use SOAP or JSON.
Thanks Wim,
I’ll steer them away from http post then.
Is json.asmx still the better option to use over soap.asmx? from what I’ve looked at with the calls and responses they look identical for both.
Thanks Jens,
With it commented on my server I get a 500 error, so needed to uncomment it.
I’ll update the calls we’re making to use json instead of soap.
There’s no issue using http post over the soap wrapper in the json.asmx request then?