The standard format of the web page URI in a protocol is "http://[Polling Ip]/". When an element is polling a device that can use HTTP and/or HTTPS, the web page is not accessible in DataMiner when the IP address/host of that element is configured with 'https://[Polling Ip]'.
Is it possible to always show the web page regardless of the communication protocol?
Hi Stijn, what happens when you just use the "[Polling Ip]" placeholder as webinterface address? If the polling IP of the element already starts with "https://" I would assume that it is taken over in its entirety in the placeholder. This also implies that in case of HTTP, the polling IP will also need to start with "http://".
Now DataMiner probably tries to open the webinterface with an URL like "http://https://<polling ip>/".
Another solution is to parse the polling IP in a QAction that puts only the hostname part of the polling IP in a parameter. That parameter can then be used as the webinterface URL.

We just added a new parameter to the Cisco DCM .109 that will allow the operator to type the URI …
But also note that most devices redirect http to https, you might need to click on refresh page inside the webinterface page of cube