What tools exist to test load times and what's being retrieved then loading a visual overview?
Hi Philip,
There are no specific tools for this. However, if you open the cube logging and enable "Show SPI logging" you can see this information. As you can see in the example in the below screenshot.
If you want to see only the visual overview load times, you can filter on the Cube.Metric.VisualOverview.Load.Duration metric.

Hi Philip, which cube version are you using?

Hi Philip, it seems I was a bit too forward, this is a new feature that will introduced in feature release 10.4.3 with RN https://docs.dataminer.services/release-notes/Cube/Cube_Feature_Release_10.4/Cube_10.4.3.html#dataminer-cube—visual-overview-page-loading-times-are-now-logged-in-slclienttxt-id_38636. Once released, it will be available in versions 10.2.0 [CU21] , 10.3.0 [CU12] , 10.4.0 [CU1] and 10.4.3 [CU0]
ok thanks, I’ve been using follow in the client test tool in the mean time to follow all the subscriptions and responses on my session.
Hi Michiel,
I’m not getting that value back in Cube logging