My goal is to have DateTime values filled in as session variables.
First attempt, use plain default:
Second attempt, use of [sep] feature:
Third attempt, use of [sep] feature, but correct this time:
OK, I'm almost there.. What do I need to do to have the end time as well?
Thanks in advance
The initvar first separates on '|' to get its individual parts, that leaves you with
- [sep::;]start;03/17/2022 08:00:00
- end;03/22/2022 08:00:00
As you can see, the end part doesn't have the [sep:...] placeholder needed to do the right separation. So the solution is to add it there as well. Resulting in:
[sep::;]start;03/17/2022 08:00:00|[sep::;]end;03/22/2022 08:00:00

YES! thank you